Stuck in a job search black hole?

Stop Wasting Time
Start Getting Results

Discover ClearCareer - The ultimate job search support community!

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Top Salary Gain

Some of our Community Success Stories

3 Job Offers + a $10K Raise

Izzy rebuilt my confidence and helped me communicate my strengths, leading to three job offers and a $10k raise. I felt empowered and confident, thanks to Izzy's thoughtful insight and genuine care.

Wil G.

Wil G.

Software Engineer

From 200+ Applications to a Job in 3 Weeks

A digital marketing company offered me a full-time role. Before Izzy, I applied to 200+ jobs with no success. With Izzy's method, 27 emails led to 3 assessments and a job offer. Thanks, Izzy!

Blake M.

Blake M.

Digital Marketer

Dream Tech Marketing Role + a $10K Bump

Izzy helped me navigate salary negotiations after three years of freelancing. With his guidance, I landed my dream tech marketing role and negotiated a $10k increase. Thank you, Izzy!

Marsha Druker

Marsha D.

Tech Marketer

Behind the Curtain

Transform Your Job Search with ClearCareer

Weekly Group Coaching

Join our weekly group calls to stay engaged, adjust your strategies, and keep your momentum going.

Gain Clarity and Direction

Enhance your job search clarity and direction with targeted feedback and actionable advice.

Overcome Your Roadblocks

Collaborate with community members to identify and overcome job search challenges, ensuring you stay on track.

Share and Discuss Strategies

Generate innovative ideas for companies to approach, things to say, and strategies to use in your job search.

Templates, Scripts, and Resources

Access a library of templates, scripts, and resources designed to simplify and enhance your job search process.

Harness the Power of AI

Leverage 500+ hours of custom-engineered AI prompts to tackle every roadblock you encounter.

Work Faster with the Right Tools

Access the latest tools to write and optimize your resume, tailor applications, enhance interview skills, and boost job search productivity.

Quickly Tweak Email Templates

Pick from our collection of easily AI-customizable email templates to save hours every week and leave an unforgettable impression.

Community Support & Accountability

Engage with a community of like-minded professionals for support, advice, and accountability to keep you going.

Share and Celebrate Wins

Share your wins - big or small, so we can celebrate together, keep your spirits high and keep the momentum strong.

Get Help and Feedback

Get constructive feedback on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or anything else and navigate your job search alongside a supportive community.

Set Goals & Stay Accountable

Set and share your top 3 weekly priorities with the community to ensure you stay on track and maintain momentum in your job search journey.


AI Prompts, Tools, & Templates

It's like Batman's Utility Belt - but for your job search

Quantify Your Achievements

Jog your memory by generating a list of achievements based on your job title and industry, boosting resume impact.

Instantly Research Salaries

Instantly gather detailed salary data by location and company size, helping you negotiate better.

Discover Industry Events

Find and keep track of all upcoming events in your field, ensuring you never miss networking opportunities.

Improve Your Networking

Tweak the way you reach out to connect authentically, and have more productive conversations.

Email Templates Galore

Comprehensive email templates for job seekers, including hiring manager emails and silver-bullet thank you emails.

Target Better Companies

Discover new companies to target that align with your career goals, saving time on research.

Level-Up Interview Prep

Get lightning-fast company research, customized interview questions and prep with a proven framework.

Optimize Your LinkedIn

Optimize your LinkedIn profile with AI-generated headlines and a compelling “About Me” summary.

Counter Objections

Pinpoint potential employer concerns and develop strategies to counter them, improving your candidacy.


Why choose ClearCareer?

Bring out the real you that’s been waiting to shine

Feel Valued and Confident

Learn to identify the unique value of your work experience and your most noteworthy achievements, and highlight the impact you've had.

Gain Motivation and Clarity

Stay motivated by sharing wins, challenges, resources and more and see real results, from landing interviews to securing job offers.

Make Networking Feel Natural

Learn how to build relationships with ease. Share experiences, ask questions, and build a network that opens doors to new opportunities.

Develop Your Personal Brand

Refine your personal brand, and gain the confidence to position yourself as the ideal candidate for the roles you want.

Your Success Broken Down Step-By-Step

Step 1: Clarify Your Career Path

Assess your wants, needs, and dealbreakers to gain clarity and direction, and flip the switch from reactive to proactive.

Step 2: Target the Right Companies

Use transformative AI prompts to discover and target the companies and roles that align with your needs.

Step 3: Master Your Outreach

Master your outreach by using sophisticated prospecting and tracking tools, and proven templates.

Step 4: Land The Job!

Job Search Win Image

Just the kickstart I needed!

I reached out to Izzy with no expectations. He gave me exactly what I needed; a kickstart!

Adam K.

General Manager Operations

A Positive & Empowering Experience

I wholeheartedly recommend Izzy to anyone seeking not only a resume overhaul but also a positive and empowering experience in navigating their career journey.

Danica S.

Spatial Ecologist

Caring, supportive and dedicated

Izzy is the most caring, supportive, and dedicated career coach I’ve ever worked with. He has not only transformed the way I apply for jobs, but also helped build my confidence.

Courtenay B.

Product Manager


👋 Hi there, I'm Izzy

As a career zig-zagger and jack-of-all-trades, I've always struggled to create a coherent career story and showcase my value.

I've been tormented by long periods of unemployment, feeling unclear, confused, and unmotivated, and been stuck in negative cycles that were hard to break.

When I transitioned into tech, I devoured every resource about the industry. It was then I found out that anytime I attended events, people were mesmerized by my energy, resourcefulness, and genuine desire to connect and add value.

Then it clicked: my unique intersection of skills was my value—partnerships, community, events, mentorship, rapid execution, and problem-solving.

That's when job opportunities started to bubble up.

Since 2016, I've been on a mission to create the support network and community I wished I had when I was struggling in silence.

Here's a snapshot:

Empowering Job Seekers: I’ve taken clients from over a year of unemployment to job offers within weeks, helped them increase their salaries by $30K, and given them confidence in their negotiation skills—guiding hundreds to feel valued and worthy again.

Building Community: I founded a 900+ member peer-mentorship community for job-seekers.

Media Features: I've been featured on podcasts and radio shows including CBC's For What It's Worth, Notable Life, CreateCommunity, and more.

Workshops: I've been asked to deliver workshops for UofT, TMU, Humber College, CivicAction YouthConnect, Lighthouse Labs, and the United Nations Association in Canada.

With that said, welcome to the ClearCareer Community! I'm excited to see you inside!

More Success Stories

🏆 Negotiated a $10K Increase

Named My Imposter Syndrome

Izzy really helped me as a developer and a professional. He named my imposter syndrome and helped me realize that I have A LOT more skills, talents, and abilities than I give myself credit for.

Septembre A.

Septembre A.

Software Engineer

🎉 Increased Her Salary by $30K

Highly Recommend - 10/10

I can't stress enough how invaluable Izzy’s insights have been in this journey. Highly recommend - 10/10. He knows his stuff and has a way of getting you to look at things from a different perspective. If you have the chance to work with him, go for it.

Tamara G.

Tamara G.

Customer Success Manager

💰 Increased His Salary by $20K

Actionable Ideas & Inspiration

You can tell Izzy really wants people to succeed. He listens patiently to your goals and then provides fresh ideas that can make a difference. He's also good at keeping you realistic in a way that makes you believe you can achieve more.

Julian P.

Julian P.

Senior Risk Manager

Landed Associate Director + $25K

Izzy's guidance transformed my personal narrative, leading to an internal Associate Director role and a $25k pay increase. His expertise in reframing perspective and boosting confidence was invaluable.


Chris C.

Programs & Business Development

Finally Landed an Offer and Negotiated +$6K

After 12 months of job searching with no success, Izzy's program helped me land an offer with a $6k increase. His motivation and strategies were key to my success.

Jorge Garboza

Jorge G.

Sales Planning Analyst

2 Offers in 3 Weeks

After a long job search with no results, I joined Izzy’s course and got 2 offers within weeks. His expertise is unmatched and affordable compared to other coaching options.

Annie Bell

Annie B.

Marketing Manager

Choose Your Own Adventure

We're here to support you however it works for you.

Monthly Membership

Flexibility to match changing needs

$ 49
per month (cancel anytime)
  • Weekly group coaching & training
  • Community support & accountability
  • Templates, scripts, and resources
  • Email templates and tools
Join Monthly Plan

Just $49/month - Cancel Anytime

Best Value

Lifetime Membership

For those dedicated to career growth

$ 249
one-time payment
  • Weekly group coaching & training
  • Community support & accountability
  • Templates, scripts, and resources
  • Email templates and tools
  • Lifetime access to all features
Join Lifetime Plan

(30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee)

Take the leap

Izzy has always exceeded my expectations in our work together. He will absolutely bring out the best in you. Take the leap - you won't regret it.

Mazia S.

Mazia S.

Software Developer

If you're on the fence, go for it

If you’re on the fence, go for it. I pondered job search coaching after a LONG job search black hole. I joined Izzy’s course and within weeks got 2 offers.

Annie B.

Annie B.

Marketing Manager

A real life Wizard

Izzy is no hype. This man is a real life wizard of “work”, and he’s sensitive with a big ole heart. He’s leveraging technology in ways most coaches don’t even know HOW TO use yet.

Kay W.

Product Manager


Frequently Asked Questions

Explore these common questions to learn more about how ClearCareer Group Coaching can transform your job search journey.

What kind of results can I expect?

Most members experience an boost in clarity, direction, and confidence and a significant reduction in burnout. Those who take action typically see a large increase in replies and networking connections. Members have increased their salaries between $5K to $30K.

How long is the program?

There is no set length to the program. It depends on you, your individual goals, the time you put in, your role and industry and other factors. Some members have landed roles in as little as 3 weeks, while many stay in the group for 3-5 months.

What happens in the weekly group calls?

Our weekly 1-hour group calls typically include check-ins, progress updates, and bringing up their roadblocks. Members share thoughts, ideas, and creative new strategies to overcome these challenges together.

What if I can't attend a call?

Got you covered! All of our calls are recorded, summarized by AI, and shared privately within the group. If you miss a call, you can easily review the notes, search through the transcript and jump to the parts of the call you want to watch.

How does the online community work?

Our members-only community is hosted on a community-platform called Circle (accessible by desktop or mobile app). Here, members share wins, tips, tools, and resources, and ask for help.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes, you can easily cancel your membership at any time. There are no long-term commitments or cancellation fees, and you can manage your subscription directly through the community app.

Join the ClearCareer Community Today

Shatter the cycle of rejections. Reclaim your self-worth with ClearCareer! Don't wait any longer to transform your career!